Unfortunately an organized home still requires upkeep.

[photo at David Ireland’s house on Capp in San Francisco]Potatoes heating on a wooden chair with a lightbulb and metal tray attached. Organizing gives you space for amazing things!

[photo at David Ireland’s house on Capp in San Francisco]

Potatoes heating on a wooden chair with a lightbulb and metal tray attached. Organizing gives you space for amazing things!

Alarm set for 5:30am tomorrow. Have a big drive for big job. This client and I have not tidied for almost six months. She told me she hasn’t done anything on her own, in my absence.

I believe her. (This isn’t uncommon, and in no way makes you a failure!) And then of course life makes for a messy home!

Jane Diaries 

Tackling the Komono Category (Miscellaneous)

Miscellaneous tools and hardware laid out in the hallway of one of Jane’s organizing clients, as they work through the komono (miscellaneous) category of the KonMari Organizing Method.

Sometimes you can’t complete the KonMari process before you move. Which is a bummer. You have to move hundreds of pounds of stuff you never ever will use, up how many flights of stairs? Ouch.

But you know that’s how it goes. You can do only so much.

But moving can also be an excellent opportunity to go through the KonMari process. It can be motivation to go through your miscellaneous items and get to make a choice. Cherish and keep. Or thank and release items to a new home. A place they will be cherished.

Then your life is going to get a heck of a lot better.

Jane Diaries 

Organizing time

A close up photo of two small tree trunks.

I needed a part-time job to help me organize my time, and to be around creative people. I realized how much I talk out loud to myself and it’s creeping me out. Plus, it’s amazing how limits can help you organize.

Mission Accomplished! I’m excited to start!

Realistically, I can only do a few organizing jobs a week as it takes super power energy and focus. Learning a new job has been been a huge challenge (as if there are tiny challenges:-).

But today I had fun. Milestone.

Jane Diaries 

Paper is my least favorite organizing category.

Bare tree branches with oranges agains a bright blue sky.

Paper is my least favorite category. It’s one of reasons I have a post office box. I pick up my mail every couple of weeks. Sort it at the post office, and most of mail stays at the Post Office recycle bin.

I stopped by to pick up my mail today and was surprised to find out it is a National Holiday, a National Day of Mourning. And so, the Post Office was closed. Where have I been? I had no clue such a Day existed.

Jane Diaries 

Sunday evening plans

A black purse and black beaded necklace hanging on off-white metal hooks against an off-white wall.

I worked today. This morning, I had high hopes that I would have energy for a project after work. But that was a pipe dream. Now, the fantasy is to go to bed early and do things in morning, before work tomorrow. I am an efficient day dreamer.

One of the projects is to paint wall/hooks in the photo above. I primed my walls months ago but haven’t gotten around to painting yet. And I want to stain the concrete floor.

My job doesn’t start until noon. No excuse tomorrow.

Sweet dreams!

Jane Diaries 

Lots sparked joy at the Saint Helena holiday bazaar.

A soft focus photo of people milling in a booth at a holiday shopping bazaar, taking place in an old barn with high ceilings and exposed beams. Two women chat, a couple more people browse. There are wreaths and evergreen trees around.

There was A LOT that sparked joy at the Saint Helena holiday bazaar.
I especially loved the super high barn ceiling!

What a difference in the quality of stuff when the patrons have $$$. Is it fair? I don’t know—it’s the way the world rolls. I hope the makers are making a ton of money! All the work involved in the making the stuff, packaging, marketing, let alone all the schlepping! They can’t charge enough!

I got to meet someone I have been following on IG for a couple of years, a real sweetheart! @austinpresssf.
[total side note: there are A LOT of churches in St. Helena & Calistoga]

Jane Diaries 

Beginning to reflect on the end of the year

A stylized filtered photo of kitchen with a small Christmas tree on the kitchen table.

I thought it was a good idea + (TBD).

I wanted a part-time job for a number of reasons. I haven’t had a “real” job in ten years. [will fill you in on details after I know it will work out :-)]

It feels like one of the hardest things I have had to do in ages. Oh wait a minute, the mess left at cabin-in-woods was disturbing.

Is 2018 just a strange year? Not exactly complaining . . . wondering . . . .

Jane Diaries 

Firewood and fires

A hazy landscape photograph of mountains covered in forests, with a bright orange spot in the distance almost like a sunset.
Two wooden cabins with a pile of stacked fire wood against one wall, and a pile of freshly chopped firewood waiting to be stacked.

How is it even possible my daughter was born almost 31 years ago? Her birthday is really November 26th, but she was born on Thanksgiving night. 

Been thinking about her as a newborn, when she was my entire life. missing that singleness of purpose. From where I am now sitting, I long for that pure simpleness. No need to ask if anything sparks joy. It all does in hindsight…

These photos were from one week ago. Firewood and smoke from unwanted fires. California is forever changed, maybe. 

Jane Diaries