Making progress

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I passed up Barbra’s cheese puffs at the grocery store but got a sour baguette to make croutons instead. Okay, I also got a bag of Tate’s cookies, Chocolate Choc Chip — I have never tasted the brand — but heard a great interview with Tate’s founder on How I Built This.

Main structure up on closet #1 — wow, there is barely a tolerance with the uprights to get the top piece on. Elfa is so well designed and built to last — I still have finish work to do on this whole situation. But progress.


Jane Dolan

Jane founded Jane Organizes in 2008 after a 20-year stint at a Design + Build firm in San Francisco. Jane loves working with rebels and dreamers, co-creating homes they will love. The KonMari Method™ is Jane's organizing tool of choice, after drinking the elixir in 2014.