How much can your closet hold?

A crisp photograph of the closet section of the Container Store. With a sign that says “push the limits of what one closet can hold.”

“Push the limits of what one closet can hold.” My sentiments exactly! We can always use our space better, as long as our belongings are beautiful and/or useful. (There’s no need to organize things that we don’t need to keep!)

I had the first of many Container Store custom closet consultations today! They were a lovely couple expecting their second child in August. Super organized, yet relaxed, in spite of being at tail end of a home renovation (which is a feat!)

You bet I want to deliver the-dream-come-true designs for their 3+ closets!

You can learn more about The Container Store’s In-Home Design & Organization Services here.

Jane Dolan

Jane founded Jane Organizes in 2008 after a 20-year stint at a Design + Build firm in San Francisco. Jane loves working with rebels and dreamers, co-creating homes they will love. The KonMari Method™ is Jane's organizing tool of choice, after drinking the elixir in 2014.